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Geographic Landforms
By: Mrs. Sanders
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A large part of the ocean that extends into land
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A large body of water
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An ocean ridge made up of skeletal remains of tiny sea animals
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An area of land that sticks out into a lake or ocean
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Part of a large body of water that is smaller than a gulf
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A narrow piece of land connecting two larger land areas
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An area where a river deposits soil into the ocean
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An area of land surrounded entirely by water
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A narrow body of water connecting two larger bodies of water
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A circular depression formed when the roof of a cave collapses
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A natural flow of water that runs through the land
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An area of land covered by shallow water
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An area of densely wooded land
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An inland body of water
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An area of land near the ocean
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An opening in the Earth’s crust where lava, ash, and gases erupt
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A deep, narrow valley with steep walls